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Bahama Buck's Fundraising Event

Join us at Bahama Bucks in Mansfield on September 20, 2022 from 4 to 8 pm for a Fundraising event for the Association.

Remember, if you are in the store, state," I am here to support the Mansfield Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association or the MCPAAA.

Thank a Police Officer's Day BBQ

Thank a Police Officer Day—also known as National Tell a Police Officer "Thank You" Day—celebrates police officers, with citizens letting them know how much they appreciate the work they do. Citizens may wish them a simple "thank you," or may perform small acts of gratitude on their behalf, such as buying them a coffee. Businesses are encouraged to donate something to them or to offer them discounts. 

The Mansfield Citizens Police Association Alumni Association is honored to have a cookout for our local police!

Freedom Fest 2022

On September 11, 2001, the nation mourned and stood together, saying “Never Forget.” Today, please take a moment to pause and remember the victims of 9/11 and keep them in your hearts. #NeverForget 

Summer 2022 Water Drive

The Mansfield Citizens Police Academy Alumni and community collaborated to donate two pallets of water which brought the total to 257 cases for the Mansfield Police!